Blossom Cards: Affirmation Cards for Kids
Blossom Cards: Affirmation Cards for Kids
These affirmation cards have been created with the intention to encourage self-love and healthy self-esteem within children of all ages.
My vision for the Blossom Cards is that they will be beautiful little reminders that prompt parents to ask questions that spark more meaningful conversations with their children, whether it’s around the dinner table, during the bedtime routine or at homework time. I’m hoping they will bring more moments of presence and connection in Australian homes and if they can make even one child feel more heard, seen and understood, then it’s all completely worth it to me. I believe that confidence and healthy self-esteem in kids comes from the mirror that we hold up to them with our presence and what we reflect back to them in each interaction. By listening more and being more present, we are teaching them that their voice is important and their opinions matter. My secret to helping children become more confident is simple: ask the right questions and then just listen.
Developed with the assistance of psychologists, educators and parents, these cards promote confidence, self-belief and a healthy connection between both mind and body. I hope they bring you and your family even more moments of joy and connection.
Currently only available in Australia.